A Trip Gone Wrong
Nicole Graham, of Melbourne, Australia wanted nothing more than to take a leisurely trot on her horse Astro, but what happened she could never have imagined in her worst nightmares.
3 Hours of Terror
For 3 hours as Nicole and Astro were submerged in sinking mud, both the horse and the woman were stricken with fear. Both showed courage beyond belief.
Thousand Pound Beauty
The 18-year old horse named Astro weighs over 1,000 pounds, and any attempt by Nicole to get Astro out of the mud only resulting in the brown beauty sinking further down.
Free the Lady First
Bystanders called for help and when the firemen finally arrived, it was the woman Nicole Graham who was freed first, and significantly more easily, than Astro was.
Noah There, Astro!
Astro's only instinct to resist the feeling of sinking was to struggle harder, so eventually he was sedated for his own good.
Fighting the Tides
The scariest part about this ordeal was that the beach where this quicksand-like mud trapped the horse and its owner meant a rapidly approaching tide, which left un-rescued would have killed Astro eventually.
Emerging Beauty
This is a welcome sight, the 1,000 pound beast emerging from its dark hole of entrapment. What a beautiful sight it is!
Use Those Legs!
Horses are known for the strength of their hind legs, they are what win Triple Crowns and kill many an unsuspecting caretaker or drunk. Luckily for Astro, he knows how to use 'em.
That is truly amazing. She and the horse held strong. I loved it and so glad the end was happy.